The first organization created by the Lord was the family, and it is the family that forms the foundation for any society. It is important for us as a church to reach the whole family.
Church family Christmas at Pastor’s Awesome couple in our church family Singing sisters Church family picnic Church family cookie swap at Pastor’s Three generations of family ladies Singing families Pastor’s family
our desire is to strengthen families
Since we understand that the family is the building block for our society and our church, we believe in strong families. Much of our teaching and preaching is, on purpose, geared to strengthening our relationships, especially within the family.
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
Exodus 20:12
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
serving as a family
One of the ways we have seen families grow together is to serve together. We have several families in our church that have stepped up and started serving in a ministry together. It enables the family to spend time together with a purpose. It enables the family to accomplish things together as a family. It encourages positive relationship within the family. It is a blessing to those that the family encounterrs.
activities as a family
Many of our church activities are family oriented activities. Through the year, we have picnics, barbecues, trips, and more. All of these events are open to the entire family. More than that – when our ladies ministry meets, our ladies are encouraged to bring their daughters. When our men’s ministry meets, our men are encouraged to bring their sons. We enjoy those times when, as families, we fellowship together.