We are blessed to have a church where almost everyone in the church is involved in some area of ministry, serving other and serving the Lord. Our leadership team is comprised of those who work together with the pastor to move our church forward

Our pastor is Dr. Chris Grimbilas. As pastor, he challenges everyone in the church to grow closer to the Lord, to live in a way that honors the Lord, and teaches the Bible in a relevant and applicable way for us to to both of those. He teaches the New Life Adult Bible class, preaches our church services, and teaches in our Bible institute. He also directs the choir and participates in our music program.
Mrs. Grimbilas teaches the Kindred Hearts adult ladies Bible class, serves in the nursery, teaches children on Wednesday evenings, leads the Women of the Word ladies fellowship, and prepares food for our Sunday afternoon fellowship. She is our example of the woman in Proverbs 31.

Bro. Matt Beaudette leads the Legacy Youth Group and heads up our children’s programs. He teaches the Legacy teen Sunday School class, leads our youth activities, and runs our Junior Church program. He is a caring and compassionate young man with a heart for the Lord and a blessing to the young people of New Life Baptist Church. He also sings in the choir and participates in our music program. He is currently taking classes in our Bible Institute to complete his degree in pastoral theology.

Bro. Paul Mitchell is a deacon in our church. He and his wife Nancy coordinate meals, actively follow up with our visitors, help with the cleaning and maintenance of the building, put together our church fellowship, maintain the church records, and more. Paul also works on our community outreach program and teaches and preaches as needed. Paul has a burden for hurting hearts and Nancy pushes our folks to become more in their service for the Lord. They are an amazing couple and we are blessed to have them.

Bro. Lloyd and Eleanor Hodgkin are incredibly gifted with hearts to be a blessing. Lloyd is a deacon and our church mechanic. He helps maintain our church property and strives to be a help to anyone who has a need. He is a diligent and hard working man. Eleanor coordinates our transportation ministry, bringing many to church on Sundays. She also teaches our pre-school Sunday school class and works in the nursery. She is selfless in spirit and compassionate of others. Both Lloyd and Eleanor are gifted with servants hearts. We are thankful for them

Bro. Dan Lowell and his wife, Linda, are huge helps within the church. Bro. Dan spends hours each week laboring to get our music together for our services, putting together the multi-media portion of our services, and leading the congregational singing during the services. Linda teaches children’s Sunday school and serves as our nursery coordinator. Linda has a heart of compassion and desires to be a blessing to others. There is really no way our services would be what they are without the wonderful couple. We enjoy the positive spirit and sense of encouragement and concern that Dan and Linda bring to our team!

Gary and Barbara Beaudette have been with New Life since the day we opened our doors. Gary knows the building inside and out. His guidance has kept the building open in spite of those times when it seemed nothing was working right. His firm spirit knows how to lay things on the line when things need to happen. He is one of the most courageous and strongest men I know. Barbara has an eye to care for others and an eye for decorating. She coordinates the church decorations for our special functions. She is a studious lady who wants to know more from the Word of God.