Posts by admin (Page 4)
One More Night With Frogs
In Exodus 8, God sends frogs into all of Egypt. Pharaoh calls upon Moses to ask God get rid of the frogs. Scripture records the conversation. Exodus 8:9-10 “And Moses said unto Pharaoh, Glory over me: when shall I intreat for thee, and for thy servants, and for thy people, to destroy the frogs from thee and thy houses, that they may remain in the river only? And he said, To morrow. And he said, Be it according to thy…
In The Beginning….
There is a simple thought that those who live in the world miss….God has nothing to prove. He does not have to prove Himself to you, me, or anyone else. When Moses reintroduced Him to Israel, God said to introduce Him as “I AM THAT I AM.” We do not need to prove His existence. He is a big God who knows how to handle all that there is. It is why the Bible has a simple start. Genesis 1:1…
The Example Of Joseph
In my Bible reading this morning, I took note of the man whom the Bible calls, in Mark 15, Joseph of Arimathaea. Scripture says that he was a honourable counsellor. If we look further, we would realize that he, along with Nicodemus were Pharisees who did not give in to peer pressure. They did not follow the crowd. They stood up for the Word of God, and ultimately for Christ as the Messiah, the Saviour. If we look at Joseph’s…
Do they see Jesus in You
This morning, I listened to a devotion about what we say – let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth. I thought on it as I looked at Scripture this morning and my thought took it a step further. Not only should we be careful about what we say, we should be careful about the way we act. When we go through this thing called life, would you say that as you live, people would see Jesus in you?…
Crazy Times
These are crazy days! It hurts my heart that churches from coast to coast in this great nation of ours are under attack. It hurts my heart that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States has such a misinterpreted, illegitimate view of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Yet, for all the hurt of my heart, for all of the craziness, there is still an answer. There is still hope. Christ has the answer…
Rejoice-All Is Not Lost
Lost. It seems like so much has been lost. Today, the stock market plunged nearly 2,000 points. Businesses teeter on the brink of extinction. An entire U.S. city has been taken over by criminal anarchists who are patrolling the streets with guns and extorting money from local businesses because there are no police to protect them. Yet for those who trust in the Lord, we know all is not lost. God give us several principles to work with. The first…
God Is For Us
Most of us have never seen a time like this. With businesses closing, unemployment at record levels, schools shut down, grocery shelves lacking, and a virtual lock down regarding our homes, it seems as it everything is working against us. Yet, we need to realize that God is for us. The question becomes are we for God? 1 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and…
How does toilet paper protect you from Coronavirus?
Coronavirus Hype!So many people are running scared because we are facing a new threat to health and well-being. We call that threat the “Cornoavirus” or COVID-19. We know it makes people sick. We know, that in some cases, it can bring death. We know it is highly contagious. What we don’t know is why one person needs 240 rolls of toilet paper all at once!! All the hype, which borders on fear mongering, is sending people into a panic. They…
Do We Exalt the Lord?
It always amazes me how much the Lord has done for each of us. He offers us His grace. He extends to us His mercy. We know of course that He died on the cross for our sins. Yet, someone pointed out to me a passage of Scripture regarding what Jesus did for us that we don’t often think of. Consider Philippians 2:7-9 “But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was…
Are We To Comfortable With the Lord?
Do we get so comfortable with the Lord that we let our guard down regarding sin in our lives? Remember, sin normally doesn’t rise up and smack us from out of nowhere. It creeps in a little bit at a time. This happens because we get comfortable
To Guard Our Souls, We Need the Church
It amazes me that there are those who would call themselves Christians, yet they ignore their need to be in church. “I can worship the Lord in the woods,” is what they say. They fail to realize our understand that the Lord started the church. Let’s just for a moment assume that the Lord is smarter than we are, and that He doesn’t waste his time. This means when he started the church, he did it for a reason. He…
Hard Forgiveness
Lu 17:3 – 5 Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him. And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith. No one goes through life without someone causing them hurt somewhere along the way. The hurts are different for people.…