What Good IS Fussing

What Good IS Fussing

The question is real. What good is fussing, or contention in our lives? It isn’t. We live in a world where contention is the norm, where strife is expected, and the negative responses to strife are strong. As a child of the King, is that the kind of attitude that honors the Lord? No. Not a chance

Proverbs 20:3 “It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling.” God says that it is an honor to cease from strife. That word, cease means to stop, conclude, discontinue, and terminate.

The contrast is also there. “Every fool will be meddling.” Think about it. It does not say that the fool “might” be meddling. God uses the word “will” when it comes to meddling. What is a primary cause for strife in the average life? Meddling. It happens when someone puts their nose in business that distinctly belongs to you.

So let’s consider another common phrase. Two wrongs don’t make a right. When someone butts in where they don’t belong, or puts their nose in your business, you need to consider two things. First, God calls that person a fool.  Second, God honors you if you don’t get wrapped up in strife, and all the more if you are the one who puts a stop to the strife.

If we ask what good fussing does, the answer is that is does no good. All it does it make a bad situation worse. Let’s determine that, not only will we choose not to fuss, but if the fussing starts, we will be the one who puts an end to it!

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